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Pretty Faces Might Impact Your Financial Decisions

Pretty Faces Might Impact Your Financial Decisions

Pretty Faces Might Impact Your Financial Decisions Source:Cornell Chronicle The Big Takeaway: Research supports giving that pretty face a once-over when thinkingabout your financial future. Sometimes our decisions about the financial success of others can be biased...
Comparison Is Indeed A Thief

Comparison Is Indeed A Thief

Comparison Is Indeed A Thief Source: Psychology Today The Big Takeaway: Consider some unique ways to combat the adverse effects of thecomparison game. The DetailsWhen it comes to building wealth, nothing can stop us in our tracks faster than playingthe comparison game...
Prevent The Post-Covid Spree

Prevent The Post-Covid Spree

Prevent The Post-Covid Spree Source: CNBC The Big Takeaway: As life gets back to normal, forego overspending by beingintentional. As life progresses to a new, post-COVID world, we may feel the urge to spend as theemotional highs of returning to normal start to kick...