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Comparison Is Indeed A Thief

Source: Psychology Today

The Big Takeaway: Consider some unique ways to combat the adverse effects of the
comparison game.

The Details
When it comes to building wealth, nothing can stop us in our tracks faster than playing
the comparison game with those around us. From houses to cars to the latest technology,
there will always be those who have more (or buy more) than we do. The comparison
game can not only prevent us from reaching our financial goals, but it can also rob us of
joy in our daily lives. In this article, the author also suggests that the comparison game
leads to spending mental and emotional resources, which can also pull us away from
more important life goals such as spending time with family or learning a new skill.
Below are a few unusual approaches to helping the comparison game subside:

Assess (and ignore) non-essential comparisons. “Aside from social media, there
are countless other ways to compare ourselves with others,” the author states.
Think about how you compare yourself to others daily, perhaps even in one key
area of life (e.g., in a hobby or at work). Is the joy you experience quashed when
you think about yourself and your performance relative to others in that arena?
By identifying who you compare yourself to, you can begin to ignore the
comparison purposefully.

Watch for praise overload. One way we’re conditioned to compare ourselves is
by receiving compliments from others. A quick reminder after receiving a pat on
the back along the lines of “there are others who might deserve that praise, too”
might prevent feeling the high “highs” of compliments and may stave off the
low lows of not getting positive feedback for achievements, too.

Learn to “be in your zone.” Find a time where you are fully immersed and
focused only on yourself and your task or activity rather than comparing
yourself to others. Focused time alone on an engaging activity can be an
enjoyable process where you are, as the author states, “exhibiting excellence in
the moment.”